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The Ultimate Time Management Guide (2022)

Diary and Macbook
Credit: Pexels / Michaela

Personal time management can be a troublesome part of many people’s lives. It’s easy, especially when you combine work and social life, to let daily or work tasks pile up on top of you.

And when problems with time management happen, it can be a big mess. Things don’t get done. Anxiety and stress build up. A negative feedback loop can start, pulling your life ever downward…. But there is hope.

There are loads of easy steps you can use to drag yourself out of that metaphorical hole, and anyone can do them. Starting today!

That’s because, luckily for us, mere mortals, successful time management practitioners are always giving out time management guides!

If you ask a successful person, “How do I manage my time?” you’ll hear similar stories again and again.

So, we’ve collected a few of those important bits of simple time management advice here. Straight from people in the know.

For now, take some time to enjoy this expert guide to time management and keep learning!

Schedules: Priorities and Routines

What is time management, then?

Well, one of the most basic but important steps for time management is… to start managing it. You can’t sustainably manage anything without a plan, so the first place to start – is a to-do list.

The easiest personal time management system. And it takes just minutes.

It really is that simple!

Splitting It Up

Just the act of splitting up what you need to do into chunks creates a much more manageable feel for your brain. Especially if you were previously overwhelmed.

It also creates a nice reward point to trigger your neural chemistry in a good way. When you complete one task from the list, it releases dopamine and serotonin in your brain.

That makes you feel good, and motivates you to do more in the future – a positive feedback loop!

If you can, get into the habit of having a to-do list that you write out every single day. Preferably the night before, so you have a clear plan in mind from when you wake up. Easy!

Another tip is to deliberately place your To-Do List in a highly visible space.

For example, putting it on a sticky note on your computer screen (or a virtual one) or having a whiteboard on the wall in your bedroom.

Wherever suits you – just make sure you can easily see it. That way, it will help motivate and remind you of your goals for the day. Especially when you feel distracted or demotivated.

Just look at it and think how good you’ll feel when you can tick it off as done!

This all leads us to our next point…

Environment: Cues and Relaxation

A clean and pleasant environment is best for being productive, and time management efficiency.

For example, a clean and efficiently organised workspace. If you can quickly move between tasks without having to search a million tabs or files, you save yourself time – time you can spend on completing the task.

Plus, that kind of efficient time management error can literally act as a barrier to getting things done. The easier you can get into the actual task and the less setting up, the better.

Another example – is when things are starting to get on top of you, and you're confused as to what comes first or next. Then it’s time to take a break.

Go for a walk, get out of your work environment and into somewhere calmer. Have a deep breath.

Overfocused attention without a clear plan can lead to a buildup of the stress hormone cortisol, meaning even less chance to manage the time correctly.

A simple change of environment and a quick minute to tell yourself “I can manage my time” can work surprising wonders.

Hopefully, you now know how to handle time management a little better. You’ll never know how to deal with time management one hundred percent in 700 words.

But even a bit of effort can go a long way!

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