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Travel & Tourism

Things to Do in Rio This Week - Exploring Exhibits

National Museum of Fine Arts
Credit: Dornicke / CC BY-SA 4.0

Rio's art scene is as hot as Copacabana sands. These exhibits attract artists, collectors, tourists, and students, all converging to museums to witness the current evolution of art. It's not only about the masterpieces of old grandmasters but modern artworks reflect our chaotic world, multiplied by a more colourful, digitized, raw depictions of reality.

De Martino in Brazil
Italian-British painter Eduardo de Martino drowned waves of emotions through his undiluted imagery of maritime madness, warships, and battles.

Exhibit Duration: 28 July to 20 September
Hours: 10 AM to 6 PM
On weekends and Holidays, museum hours are 12 PM to 5 PM
Free entry on Sundays
Tickets R$ 8.00
Half price for students, senior citizens and disabled persons

Museu Nacional de Belas Artes (MNBA)
Av. Rio Branco 199, Centro (Cinelândia), Rio de Janeiro

Tel: +55 21 3299-0600 / Tel: +55 21 2219 8474

Rossini Perez between Morro da Saúde and África
Museu de Arte do Rio hosts Rossini Perez's magnificent works. Her pieces create a bridge for arts and socio-economic issues, touching on global geopolitics and cultural diplomacy. The glaring shades and shapes of Perez's art, interconnected and vividly influential, commands the inevitable role of art as a witness to our evolving world.

Exhibit Duration: July 28 to October 25
Museum Hours
Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm
Admission is free every Tuesday
Tickets R$8.00
Half price for 21yrs-old and below, private school students (elementary and high school), college students, people with disabilities

Museu de Arte do Rio
Praça Mauá, 5, Centro
CEP 20081-240, Rio de Janeiro/RJ
Tel: +55 21 3031 2741

Desordem at Atelie da Imagem
Fernanda Chemale's Desordem (Disorder) features a collection of photographs inspired by Gisela Rodriguez poems. Whimsical with a rippling blunt irony, Chemale uses Mythological characters and reinterprets their personas, highlighting flaws and the unavoidable frenzied disorder.

Exhibit Duration: 28 July to 26 September
Monday to Friday 10:00-21:00
Saturdays 10:00-17:00

Ateliê da Imagem
Av. Pasteur, 453, Urca, Rio de Janeiro
Tel: +55 21 2541 3314

Antonio Guerreiro at Galeria da Gávea
Spanish photographer Antonio Guerreiro's exhibit at the Galeria da Gávea speaks volumes about his life as an artist, journalist, reporter, and media maven. The collection features 30 photos of Brazilian celebrities.

Exhibit Duration: 13 July to 14 September
Hours Mon-Fri 11 AM to 7 PM

Galeria da Gávea
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 431 Lj A

Rio de Janeiro - RJ, CEP 22451-040
Tel: +55 21 2274-5200

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